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Three methods to have a happier, quieter life

The results of these methods are fantastic and that’s why I want to share them with you.

5 min readOct 16, 2020


Why are there some people who have been able to overcome themselves and others who have not? What are the patterns that those who have overcome great tragedies learned?

I remember seeing myself from an early age analyzing my horrible reality that I was going through at that time. My father had been murdered when I was one year old, and not being enough, my mother fell into drugs and consequently, her whole life was destroyed along with mine and that of my two brothers, who lived with an institution of the Government, due to the lack of parents. Where are my parents? Why does everyone call me “the son of the crazy woman”? Why can’t I play and hug my brothers? What did I do to God to punish me in this way? There were thousands of questions that went through my head, to the point that I came to hate my life.

Awakening. An awakening was what I had during one of those many sunsets in which I sat on some stairs to look at the sky and at the same time to refute God for everything I was living. -No more. I got tired of waiting for an answer from God, it was time to take charge of my life — I dried my tears and began to lead a life that until then had not been to my taste or my choice.

Since then I have been putting into practice various methods with which I have managed to create a better life made by me and for me.

“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to be ”- Carl Jung


Constant self-analysis is a very useful tool for those who want to be better every day. I remember that in those moments of extreme sadness, in the middle of my self-analysis I understood what the great Carl Jung said: “I am not what happened to me. I am what I decide to be ”. It was at that moment that I promised to take the helm of my life and put the regrets aside.

They don’t like the way they behave and how others respond to you? Don’t you know why your mood looks like a Russian bow tie that rises and falls from the level of happiness to the level of sadness often? If your answer is “Yes” then my invitation is for you to take hold of this tool and to become the spectator of your own life and thus once and for all make great changes in your life. It is important that you bear in mind that the practice of psychoanalysis is based on self-observation, therefore, it requires maximum concentration and perseverance. Also, psychoanalysis can be performed with the company of an expert who with his expertise will help you go deeper into those concerns that overwhelm you so much.


Meditation has given me peace in the midst of all the tragedies I have experienced. Since I was little I learned to self-analyze myself and with it to meditate, which has helped me during my 23 years of age to live more calmly with my reality and with those who share this reality.

Because of everything that I experienced in my childhood, hatred towards myself has been a great challenge in which I have been working in order to learn to love myself more. I must say that it has been precisely meditation together with my disposition and discipline that has helped me to recover my self-love and myself to have better relationships, since we cannot forget that the relationship we have with others is a reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves.

I know many people will say that they don’t meditate because they are too busy, however, I can assure you that just ten minutes a day can make a big difference in their lives. For example, the testimonies that have experienced the benefits of meditation are innumerable, among them are Clay Collins, Jennifer Lopez, Michael Jordan, Paul McCartney, among others.


Stop worrying about what others think or not of you. Have you seen how unhappy we can be when we worry so much about what others think of us? I want you to keep in mind that people are always going to find something ugly to speak ill of others, even when those “mistakes / defects” do not depend on us.

“Whatever happens around you, don’t take it personally. If I meet you on the street and I say: ¨Eh, you are stupid “, without knowing you, I am not referring to you, but to me …” — Miguel Ruiz.

I remember seeing the neighbors telling their children not to talk to me, because according to them I was the “son of the crazy woman” and therefore, I was a threat to them. Yes, that was the rejection of some adults towards a child barely nine years old, who had not chosen to have a drug addicted mother or to have his father murdered; Now ask yourself everything those same people would say about you, it’s not good at all, is it? Always remember the teacher Miguel Ruiz, who advises in his book The Four Agreements: “Whatever happens around you, don’t take it personally. If I meet you on the street and I say: “Hey, you’re stupid”, without knowing you, I don’t mean you, but me. If you take it personally, maybe you think you’re stupid. You take it personally because you agree with whatever is said. As soon as you agree, the poison runs through you and you find yourself trapped in the dream of hell. “ — Miguel Ruiz.

Since I learned that lesson, my concern for the comments of others does not have much power over my decisions and therefore it is easy for me to enjoy and experience new things in my life. Due to my experience I want you to also get rid of the worry about what people can comment on your life. Dare to live your way, leaving aside those standards that society expects of us and create your own life, even if losing friends or family depends on it. You deserve to be happy and you are the only person responsible for making that happen.

I should mention that it does not matter the order of how you practice the aforementioned, what is really important is that you put into practice each of those tools that will help you live a happier and more peaceful life.

In closing, I want to tell you that, although I do not know you, I know that you are a wonderful person, capable of healing, loving and living fully.

Thanks for reading me.

